Baba Duska's Diary, osa 1
// Pathfinder hahmon mietintöjä pelin tapahtumista päiväkirjamuodossa pelin ensimmäisen osion ajalta. Huom! Juonipaljastuksia Kingmaker-seikkailuun liittyen.//
Call for Heroes
Curious meetings
xxxth day in Restov
I've kept in contact with Miladena since that useless dog case. Looking back at it now I can't believe I fell for their charade. Next time I won't work for penniless posers. At least something interesting came from it: the local swordlord Jamandi Aldori has called Baba Duska to attend a feast in her manor. Apparently Miladena got the same invitation, so at least there is one familiar face there, though I am not sure if that is going to be for my advantage or not. I also have my doubts for what kind of useless rabble this swordlord has collected in there, because today this very unkempt halfling required Baba Duska's services and bragged about being invited as well. Merkur Cragfall, the name sounded vaguely familiar. Maybe I met someone named Cragfall, when I was practicing in River Kingdoms? I haven't been there in years, so I can't be sure anymore.
Anyway, let's see if this dinner leads me to closer to my goals.
(ps. Miladena dragged here some random lizard man.. I had to use some serious force in filing those nails! Horrible.)
Feast for "heroes"
xxxth day in Restov
I do not believe for a second that this so called gathering of "heroes" can achieve anything. That woman and her posh companion clearly don't have an eye for anyone great. They invited a pile of moss with mushrooms growing from it! - and the lizard man was there too. (Atrocious table manners, I must say.) That poser Drelev was also there, accompanied by men he no doubt doesn't have enough money to pay for. Do I even bother to write down the other disappointments I met there today? Like that dwarf who has decided to worship Groetus of all the gods. Jamandi Aldori must not be very bright to invite such people and call them heroes. Phah!
However there were at least few somewhat worthwhile meetings. A man called Verick, who apparently collects stories. Somehow he had even found out about the case we solved with Miladena. I should keep an eye on him and his companion Nizaemon. I had to control my urge to punch them, when they so readily announced their true nature to everyone. Who does that? It never leads to anything good. The other possibly useful connection could be the elven emissary Ilastar, who also happens to be Miladena's mentor.
Sadly, beggars can't be choosers, so I will most likely have to work with some of these folks.
(ps. The gambler Cragfall was attending too. I honestly can't believe that the swordlord didn't check his background before inviting him.)
Night assault
xxxth day in Restov, night
I just knew it. As soon as I noticed those alarms on the doors I knew it. All of this seemed fishy from the start. "Go on, enjoy the feast, yadda, yadda…" We almost got murdered in our sleep! I will hunt those bastards down and make them wish they never crossed me. And if that Jamandi Aldori was behind this, I will become known as the man who made the end of Aldori Swordlords. That 'Black Tear' or whatever the group calls itself won't geat away with this. I'm so pissed off right now.
Did that Drelev know about this? What was the "be careful who you go with" about? The group seems… not to be working well togehter yet. The lizardman Zatih, ran out immediately after the first scream and we had to fight in our pyjamas. (I hate those bunny slippers with passion.) And then he proceeded to stand in the doorway blocking all the other combatants from doing pretty much anything. No strategy at all what so ever. At least he is a good meat shield if not anything else, but I have a feeling that he will become a pain in the ass to manage, if Miladena doesn't put him on his place.
(ps. Turns out that Nizaemon fella is not completely daft. At least he had the decency not to show his true form when asked.)
(pps. I always thought Miladena was hiding something. A noble? Somehow I'm not surprised, her swordmanship speaks for herself.)
xxxth day in Restov, night
It's a damned blood bath. Of the five rooms we checked after fighting down those assailants, two were covered in blood, two were full of bodies (ten total) and one was surprisingly undisturbed. The first room on the left leading to the inside garden from the corridor. Either the people there heard what happened and jumped to action or they are part of this assault. Which, I don't know yet. I investigated the separated hand in one of the bloody rooms, but couldn't tell much else than, that arteries were split open based on the amount of blood. Drag marks stopped at the door. Maybe that ogre ate them.
After Miladena and the others beat down the orge (Gormog), he told us that there are frost giants on the premises. An interesting development. Though dangerous and confusing. Who in their right mind would hire frost giants? Whoever this 'mean axe lady' is and what are her purposes of doing this? Is she the leader of these Black Tear bandits?
Apparently they have taken some of the "heroes" to prisoners as well. I wonder why. A ritual sacrifice perhaps? Or hostages. Would any of these people be important enough to Lady Aldori for her to protect them? I have to ask Linzi if she knows where Harrim and Valerie slept.
What do I remember about frost giants?
(ps. Verrick, Zatih and Nizaemon have been looting every corpse and other thing they could find. At least I know who has the money.)
(pps. Miladena mentioned something about her mother's gift after trying to deceive the ogre. I will ask about that later.)
What in the world?
xxxth day in Restov, night (the same night still)
I have a feeling that Linzi is hiding something. Not that she knows what is going on here with all the cultists and giants, but maybe the reason she wasn't sleeping was something else than restlessness. We all have our secrets and sweet girl like Linzi surely has a dark side. But that is not too relevant right now.
We found Harrim, Valerie and a brash axe wielding warrior Amiri. They were unconscious, but luckily we had procured few elixirs so they were back on their feet swiftly. Though they seemed confused about what was going on and where they were. We quickly explained the situation and I patched Valerie up some more, before we continued in the dining hall.
Seems like the west wing is on fire. The guards gathered were wondering how to put out the flames. Nizaemon summoned this.. Thing. Some kind of shadow creature wielding an axe. I… was surprised. That soft looking guy packs more punch than I initially assumed.
Let's hope we get out of the house before it burns down.
(ps. There was an actual frost giant, which I find very odd. We killed it.)
(pps. First odd hostages and now fire. What even is the goal of these cultists?)
Black Tear
xxxth and the last day in Restov
I am a little disappointed, that I couldn't find out why somebody had hired the Black Tear to assault Lady Aldori and us. But for now they have been dealt with, except for one Nishki the Knife, who supposedly fled after surrendering. No wonder, since he is more sensible in the sense, that he just robs people instead of killing them. If we could find him, I'm sure we would be able to negotiate some information out of him. I keep digging on this black tear stuff by myself, since I detest to leave something like that unsolved.
There is also a new nuisance named Tartuccio 'the greatest wizard'. That stuck-up gnome got to his head to blame Zatih of all persons of being a Pixian spy. I'm not quite sure of how the lizard got the brooch, I was too busy putting out fires to notice. In any case that wizard-nobody will be pain in the ass to deal with, and - unfortunately - he awakens a certain sort of pettiness in me. He is not going to play fair, so I won't either. It will be fun to stretch out my back again. I've been stuck in this form for far too long.
We are making preparations to head towards Greenbelt and Oleg's Trading Post. This should become interesting.
(ps. Nizaemon surprised us yet again by revealing that he can raise dead people to fight for us. Others seemed slightly perturbed, but I don't really care.)
(pps. I think the group can become surprisingly reliable in dealing with combat situations. I will stick with them for now. At least until I get my "revenge" with that irritating gnome.)
(ppps. Remember to send a stuffer toy to Iron Wraiths jus to piss them off.)
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Baba Duska, ihmismuoto |
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