Baba Duska's Diary, osa 1

// Pathfinder hahmon mietintöjä pelin tapahtumista päiväkirjamuodossa pelin ensimmäisen osion ajalta. Huom! Juonipaljastuksia Kingmaker-seikkailuun liittyen.// Call for Heroes Curious meetings xxxth day in Restov I've kept in contact with Miladena since that useless dog case. Looking back at it now I can't believe I fell for their charade. Next time I won't work for penniless posers. At least something interesting came from it: the local swordlord Jamandi Aldori has called Baba Duska to attend a feast in her manor. Apparently Miladena got the same invitation, so at least there is one familiar face there, though I am not sure if that is going to be for my advantage or not. I also have my doubts for what kind of useless rabble this swordlord has collected in there, because today this very unkempt halfling required Baba Duska's services and bragged about being invited as well. Merkur Cragfall, the name sounded vaguely familiar. Maybe I met someone named Cragfall, when I...